My first plant and I need help identificating what’s wrong with it. I’m on northern Europe with this being on window ledge with very intense sunlight approximately 4 hours a day (typically have taken it behind thick sun blinds prior the first hour is over). I’ve looked around and my search has been mostly inconclusive. I think it’s one of these: sun damage, no nutrients, bacterial leaf spot or blight?
It would be a bit easier to tell with a picture of the whole plant, but yes- could be scorching. Are the leaves on the side directly facing the window more effected?
I took a second picture from the side that faces the window. I’d say the leaves facing the window are proportionally more affected than other leaves, at least the leaves under the top layer do not seem to have as noticeable coloring. However the leaves on main picture were from middle part of the plant which gets or at least should get even less light than the top leaves but it still was more affected.