Well you’re conveniently forgetting that Obama had the fucking audacity to
eat dijon mustardwear a tan suitbe black.And tan suit which is an anagram for satanic (well, almost…)
tan suiite
What a dick move of him!
Honestly, the current situation is beyond double standards. The Republicans have free reign to more or less break any of their own rules and suffer almost no consequences. Meanwhile, literally anything a Democrat does is spun into multiple mutually exclusive conspiracy theories that their base and the media somehow manage to spout simultaneously.
Not to mention leftists will latch onto it too and repeat the lie everywhere yet swear up and down that they voted for the Democrat even though they shit on them any time they open their mouth.
lol, get lost troll
Sorry can’t hear you over the sound of you being blocked.
Big Antichrist vibes. Would it have burned his hand? I guess will never know.
I think we can safely assume it would have. Why else wouldn’t he want to touch Jesus Book?
He already did during his last term.
But he held it upside down, maybe that has some theological implications.
He held something upside down, nobody really knows what it actually was.
I think you might be on to something
Sadly I think it would have been more than half. Personally I’d like less of the Bible in any of our swear ins, but Orange Hitler not doing it just keeps the process rolling forward.
The person can choose what they swear on. He chose the bible, then failed to use it.
christiansupremacyHell, even the racism and fake Christianity are just bones they toss to the base while doing their real business.
Fascism will always find an out crowd
White cis het male supremacy.
Whoever succeeds trump, (assuming that happens, and it’s not Vance), should do the same thing, so we can maybe get rid of that dumbass tradition.
“we separate church and state” Church throwing bibles at every god damn state and court event and making people swear on them.
If one of Obama’s friends would’ve done a nazi salute behind the presidential seal, the Republicans would’ve lynched Obama on the lawn of the white house
He actually did take the oath without putting his hand on a bible and they did try to make a big deal about it.
John Roberts messed up the oath during the inauguration and they had to redo it later.
During the do-over there was no bible: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_inauguration_of_Barack_Obama
He was probably afraid of getting struck by divine lightning or something like that if he touched a Bible while uttering the words with no intentions to follow them.
Not to be annoying but it is in fact your business
As if they actually cared about such matters. It would have only been just another excuse to stoke moral panic and outrage as red meat for their rabid base.
It’s exactly the sort of cynicism that, by design and intent, leads to apathy and fascism
Did the orange turd or someone else do that?
Orange turd.
It is absolutely not a requirement to swear an oath on a bible, or even to have a bible nearby.
It just happens to be a longstanding custom in the USA. Many politicians take the oath on a bible just for the optics. DT, of all people, is all about optics. Dude probably wasn’t paying any attention, and surely winging his swearing given the last minute changes.
In any case, shouldn’t everyone be applauding a president for refusing to touch a bible, tacitly denouncing religious contexts near government?
Except when Trump was asked what his favorite book of all time was, can you guess what he answered?
That’s right. He said The Bible was his favorite book. You do understand the difference between actually believing in something, or just being a hypocrite and a con-man, right?
It’s not about whether it’s a requirement or not. It’s about a con artist revealing the con, and watching people like you handwave it away.
Yeah aside from the whole using the Jesus vote to win thing.
I thought he won because the handling of the day to day economics of the average citizen was in shambles, but yeah, clearly magic sky man holds more weight
What are you even saying?
He very definitely panders to the religious right, saying otherwise is absurd.
He literally sells bibles.
And where are egg prices after he said he’d have them lowered day one?
Bible is surely a disgrace and pathetic.
It’s understandable and I agree that no President should ever lay hands on that comic.
I do believe 100% that Trump would’ve easily laid his hand on the book Mein Kempf.
Yeah it is just a custom. But the point still stands.
Some odd books people have been sworn in on:
Oh, The Places You Will Go - Dr. Seuss
The Autobiography of Malcom X
A Superman Comic
Ugh, now you’re going to make me look up who swore in under Dr. Seuss.
We were duped, it wasn’t a president. Still cool though. Thanks for the link, you posted it twice if you don’t know by the by
Well, who was it?
Edit: https://abcnews.go.com/US/missouri-councilwoman-dr-seuss-book-sworn-office/story?id=65096396
In any case, shouldn’t everyone be applauding a president for refusing to touch a bible, tacitly denouncing religious contexts near government?
Not if it’s someone that got elected based on their support for the union of church and state. Now if someone like AOC got elected president and didn’t swear on the bible, that would mean something
AOC should have sworn in on a union contract. Maybe then she wouldn’t have voted to protect the rail corporation from a union strike.
This is just the childish act of crossing your fingers when you make a promise. He didn’t put his hand on the Bible because he isn’t planning on presiding faithfully, and he has absolutely no intention whatsoever to preserve, protect or defend the Constitution of the United States unless it benefits him personally at the time.
It’s the ceremony organizers’ fault for neglecting to bring a bible small enough to put his hand on.