• hamid@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    She is essentially right that if you want to have a job you need to work for free. What she leaves out is that the only people who can afford to do that are already rich and this is a nepotism filter for those who already are part of the professional managerial class.

    • n0m4n@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I am astounded that people think that you must work for free. This is illegal for good reason. The most valuable commodity that we have is our time. It is limited for every person. My time is as valuable to me as her time is to her.

      Serious question to up voters. How do you defend a privileged person demanding that time be given for free? Do you not value yourself?

      • JovialMicrobial@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        The only practice I can think of where people work for free that is socially acceptable are internships(which I fundamentally disagree with).

        One of my younger coworkers was required to do an internship, for free, for a set amount of hours so she could graduate and earn her degree. That internship took valuable hours away from her paying job, which she needs to afford to go to school full-time come fall.

        Wealthy people, or kids from wealthy families can afford to do that. People who have to work can’t really afford that, which filters out poor people trying to better themselves, or runs people into the ground trying to do both.

        It’s honestly disgusting that schools still do this and that it’s an accepted practice. I don’t know why anyone is okay with it to be honest. Maybe it’s just that normalized or something.

        • Mirshe@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          I’m so glad my community college refused to offer or honor any internship that was unpaid (or paid less than a set amount). We even got the local university to go along with it, so now pretty much nobody offers unpaid internships in the area because they all realize that they’d be missing out on a huge labor pool otherwise.

      • hamid@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        I don’t think myself or the upvoters support or think that working for free is good or the right thing, it just is true in reality. In the US if you want those kind of professional managerial white collar big city jobs, you have to work for free thru college and sometimes beyond because that is how this system works via nepotism. Illegal doesn’t mean anything to wealthy people who can afford lawyers when the people they are abusing can’t. The state prosecutors don’t investigate this stuff because the state is run by people who are dependent on those same wealthy people’s donations. Reality sucks and solidarity needs to be built to make it better.