Independent journalist and bête noir of White House press flacks, Sam Husseini, returns to Bad Faith to breakdown the administrations narrative spin around who is really responsible for stalling a ceasefire deal that would bring an end to the carnage in Gaza. Husseini reacts to Hasbara from Jake Tapper, and analyzes how hostages have been cynically weaponized by pro-Israel actors to generate sympathy for Israel’s siege (and oust progressive news hosts), all while the families of hostages have been clear that they are far from Israel’s priority. Husseini also discusses a new UN report out Wednesday that confirms that claims of mass rape on October 7th are completely unsubstantiated, but that Israel likely implemented the “Hannibal directive” agains its own citizens, and enacted gross abuses, including sexual assaults, on Palestinian victims.

    4 months ago

    claims of mass rape on October 7th are completely unsubstantiated

    Seriously, what the fuck are you defending terrorists? They brutally murdered more than 1’000 people of all ages. Rape is nothing compared to that, the same way stealing is nothing compared to rape. All the witness reports clearly indicate a shit to of sexual violence. Hell, they even oppress their own women!

    Is this like last time?

    • jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.worldOPM
      4 months ago

      I would question your sources, seems you are just looking at zionist propaganda.

      Many great independent journalists and reports on this, but many have been falling Israeli war crimes for decades.

      I suggest to listen to the video, you may learn something that may go against your way of thining.

      Always healthy to keep in check of our own bias as well, bubbles do not help anyone, they only hinder our thinking and world view.

        4 months ago

        What bubbles? I watched their own videos, which Hamas took during their attack, murdering people. Cheering for their death and suffering.

        Also note the link I added from last time I read this here, where they simply faked it. Spinning the article 180 °

        • jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.worldOPM
          4 months ago

          Yes, both Israel and Hamas have commited war crimes, the IDF also releases their own videos showing the death of Palestinian civilians as well.

          It is the same with Israeli people cheering for the death of Palestinian civilans, many videos shows this as well.

          Like many military propaganda, we must continue to question and be critical of people in power and what they want us to believe.

          The Grayzone was one of the first to question the mass rape allegations, which Israel had no proof or evidence of, the witnesses were questionable at minimum from the Israeli side, as always.

            4 months ago

            We are not discussing Israel here. And neither anyone else. People fake this stuff, spinning the actual reports 180°. That is terrible.

            The NYT article I linked in the other thread is a bit more trustworthy than some people talking in a video. The sexual violence was rampant. Which should not surprise, given that they also brutally murdered anyone they could get their hands on. I am sure they also stole some stuff on the way. But nobody cares, because that’s all irrelevant compared to what else happened.

            • jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.worldOPM
              4 months ago

              I am critical of legacy media, I have much more trust in independent journalists, with a history of reports.

              They are also commentators that release videos and talk in other avenues.

              sexual violence was rampant

              This was not proven, even in legacy media, like much of the intial reporting and more, they were all smears against the Palestinian people.

              I do know some legacy media reported of sexual violence against the Palestinian people in detention and their are witnesses that speak out.

              I suggest to also look into that and independent journalists as well.

              We must continue to learn and seek out diverse ideas that go against our bias, so we are not falling for propaganda or smears.

                4 months ago

                So on one side witnesses are enough, but on the other you want proof? How to proove sexual violence?

                • jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.worldOPM
                  4 months ago

                  Oh, I was trying point out that Zionist and Palestinians both claim sexual violence, and much more.

                  Only one is being talked about in legacy media, to a major extent with no evidence or thorough research within the organization’s reporting.

                  While, the other gets a few mentions here and there and only a few independent journalists were brave enough to speak out agains the status quo narratives.