If you have not seen this yet, “The Quantified Scientist” made first GW6 review. As usual for him GW works not that great.

Actually, it would be strange to expect much different results that GW5 - the sensors are the same.

However, I would not take his result “as is”. Because:

  1. this is one person review
  2. for him AW works the best (wrist size/shape?)
  3. according to him all garmin suck as well
  4. his sleep tests are pretty unique, but many other people do HR test and get different results.
  5. he did not mentioned what size his wrist is and what watch sizes he tested - not very scientific.
  6. Do you really need to catch few seconds HR peaks during weigh lifting?
  7. He does rather short cardio sessions for the test. In other review HR data stabilizes later.