What’s your position in your imaginary world? What do you see yourself as? As a person that you want to be or as a perfect version of your current self? Or do you not imagine yourself as yourself at all? In some other form? Not as a human but rather some sort of an idea?

Are you always on the top in your imaginations or do you imagine yourself to be not the most important person?

  • Zozano
    4 months ago

    My top fantasy was that the previous guy who was God got bored, and picked me at random to take over.

    Now I’m trying to figure out what is the most ethical thing to do with unlimited power.

    Sometimes I hit the pause button and create clones of the greatest minds I trust to brainstorm a path forward.

    Other times I create seven billion copies of myself and create seven billion instances of reality in which one person is conscious and everyone else is a philosophical zombie. Then, one of my clones follows them around and tries to maximise their happiness within realistic constraints.

    Other times I simply just announce to everyone that “I’m God now, deal with it. All your religions are wrong, so stop being assholes. I’m now watching EVERYTHING you do - and if you are a dickhead I’m going to put you in Limbo for a day. If you really fuck up I’ll delete you from existence. Don’t worship me because I’m not going to give you any presents for being devout, just be a good person for the sake of being a good person.”

    Other times I create heaven. But how would that work? Everyone who has ever existed gets their own void disconnected from everyone else, and can do whatever they want in it. It’s basically like everyone gets their own Minecraft server. You can invite people to your void, or go to another persons, or even a public creation.

    Other times I just pause reality and catch up on all the TV shows I’ve missed.