Sorting through stuff at home and found quite a few games for Nintendo 3DS. I don’t think I’d get much trading them (I don’t really know) but we don’t want to keep them either. I don’t want to get Facebook/eBay scammed out of them so I guess I’m just stuck with them. If anyone knows of any place that gives you a decent (ie not completely ripoff) price I’d love to know.
If there’s a place around that sells trading cards they might buy them. Not as good as selling them yourself but you cold get a bulk sale that should be decent
If you’ve got some of the stuff I’m after I’m happy to make an offer, or if you tell us what you want per game.
Probably less sketch dealing with the DT than ebay.
Sorting through stuff at home and found quite a few games for Nintendo 3DS. I don’t think I’d get much trading them (I don’t really know) but we don’t want to keep them either. I don’t want to get Facebook/eBay scammed out of them so I guess I’m just stuck with them. If anyone knows of any place that gives you a decent (ie not completely ripoff) price I’d love to know.
Edit: picture of games
I’ve got the console, would happily buy the games?
I’ll happily take “classic Sonic” off your hands. Name your price, including postage, and I’m in
Sonic 2 was the first game I beat
I’ve just added a picture to my post of you’re interested. They are just as I suspected, mostly Mario and marvel themed lol
If there’s a place around that sells trading cards they might buy them. Not as good as selling them yourself but you cold get a bulk sale that should be decent
Wouldn’t mind hearing what you’ve got as well if that’s ok?
I’ll take a pic tonight and add it to the post. Mostly kid’s stuff I suspect. Edit: like super Mario Bros and marvel related.
Which games? And you’ll find some 3DS games are very in demand.
I’ll take a pic tonight and add it to my post. Mostly kids stuff I suspect, eg Super Mario Bros and marvel themes.
Do you have a market nearby with a retro gaming stall?
Don’t think so but I’ll have a look.
If you’ve got some of the stuff I’m after I’m happy to make an offer, or if you tell us what you want per game. Probably less sketch dealing with the DT than ebay.
I’ve just added a picture to my post if you’re interested, it’s as I suspected with the Mario/marvel themes lol
No problem will have a better look tonight and add pics